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Virtual Convention Information

Why a VIRTUAL Convention?

      The Missouri Jewelers Board of Directors unanimously decided to cancel the traditional attended convention for 2020.   There were many factors in making this decision.  COVID-19 is called a "Novel" corona-virus for a reason, it is new and there are just too many unknowns out there yet.   


      The primary factor was the safety consideration of Our members and vendors that may attend the event, as well as those they will come in contact in the immediate future.   We could not justify creating a situation that those attending the event could bring the virus "home" to their businesses. 

      We all felt the next best thing to keep us all safely "together", and still "attend" a convention was to create a VIRTUAL Convention.   All of our current Vendors and Sponsors will have the opportunity to share information and show their beautiful items.  We will also be having our Design Contest Online!  More details to be announced.

      Our Virtual Convention will be on the website from Sept. 15th to Oct. 15th so you will be able to browse at your convenience for a whole month!   Be sure to like and follow the Missouri Jewelers Association Facebook page and ALL ACTIVE MEMBERS, please request to be a member of the MJA Members Facebook group.  Keep checking back for updates on presenters and live presentation times. 


The Entire MJA Board of Directors

Design Contest


FREE ENTRY for MJA 2020 Virtual Convention


      This year the Design Contest will be Online. Please see Design Contest Form for full Rules and Regulations.  For entry into the Design Contest, e-mail photos of your piece along with completed Design Contest Form to  All entrants must have their form and pictures submitted by September 25th.  Virtual Choice will be voted on via Facebook Private Messages to MJA.  The winner of the Virtual Choice Awards will receive a $100 cash prize and free entry into the 2021 CASE Awards.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at

2020 Virtual Convention Line Up

Federated Insurance

Jewelers of America

Jewelers Mutual Insurance

United Precious Metal Refining, Inc.

Jade Alarm Co.

High Level Thinkers


Bear Essentials

Brevani/Color Merchants

Galatea: Jewelry by Artist

M. Hakimi Jewelry

Ronelli Corp.

Shah Luxury

and more...

To become an MJA Vendor Member or renew your membership

fill out this form and send it us via e-mail or snail mail.

Deadline for Presentation Submissions is September 1st

P.O. Box 492, Boonville, MO 65233   

(660) 882-5512


President: Marshall Davidson

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