Jewelry Crime Alert network
Leo Anglo (Vincent's Jewelers, St. louis) along with Missouri Jewelers has been leading the charge when it comes to Industry Security. He has presented security programs for the Industry for decades. 20+ years ago, Missouri had one of the first state wide alert systems, it was driven by fax, yes fax.
In 2006, Leo brought industry leaders together to promote a unique cooperative security initiative for vendors. It was rolled out in front of hundreds at the 2006 JCK Vegas show, with representatives of Insurance leaders, Security leaders and Federal Law Enforcement. This initiative was featured in many industry publications, and Leo became a regular contributor to them.
In 2014, realizing information had to be quickly shared to be effective, Anglo set up the St Louis Jewelry Crime Alert Network. It was initially designed to get information to area jewelers, it has quickly spread across the state as well as into Illinois, with over 375 Industry and law enforcement members. This network has prevented crimes and losses, and helped apprehend many criminals. It has also helped recover stolen merchandise.
Instead of putting information here on this page, files will be shared here so you can print them, share with staff . . . and hopefully work on some of the recommendations in your own stores.

Security Code Words
Premises Security Check List
Armed Robbery
Sneak Theft
Grab & Run

Night Alarm & Burglary
Civil Unrest
Burglary Resistant Glass